through All Day

Dancer Mail Call is a great way to support THON™ dancers from anywhere. The World Campus dancers for 2024 are Erica Armstrong and Danielle Ray. We encourage students, alumni, and other members of the World Campus community to send a letter to each of our dancers. Letters will be passed along to the dancers during THON weekend.

These notes should be supportive and uplifting. Let the dancers know that you will be cheering them on from a distance. You can also share any of your own THON memories or experiences.

Letters can be sent via email or postal mail by Thursday, February 1.

Note: We encourage written letters of encouragement because participants typically have difficulty sending or receiving texts during the event. 

To send via email:

Send your message to [email protected] with a subject line of: Dancer Mail Call [insert recipient last name].

To send via postal mail:

Penn State Dance Marathon (Mail Call) 
Attn: Danielle Ray Box 5A or Attn: Erica Armstrong Box 5B 
227D Hetzel Union Building 
University Park, PA 16802

Help and Support


Hours of operation for phone calls are Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. EDT.

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Hours of operation for chat are Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. EDT.

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Or, if you prefer an email response, you can use our general support email ([email protected]) or form (requires login)

Members of the Penn State IT Service Desk, available seven days a week, are ready to help address any computer or technical concerns you have!

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