
Tutoring can help you improve your work in specific courses, break down complex concepts, and get helpful suggestions on draft assignments. At Penn State World Campus, you have access to several tutoring resources.


Tutor.com is a professional tutoring service available to students in select courses. Tutors are:

  • accessible from any device with internet access
  • free to Penn State World Campus students in supported courses
  • available 24/7 for many courses
  • accessible in Canvas

With Tutor.com, you can chat live with a tutor about a subject or drop off a writing assignment for review.

Courses Supported by Tutor.com

Look for your course on this page to see if it has tutoring support via Tutor.com. If your course is supported by Tutor.com, instructions will be available in the syllabus and tutors can be accessed through Canvas. 

ACCTG 211 
ACCTG 310 
ACCTG 340 
ACCTG 410 
ACCTG 471 
ACCTG 472 
APDEM 801 
APDEM 802 
BA 243 
BBH 301 
BBH 411

CAS 475 
CJPA 501 
CJPA 502 
CJPA 803 
CJPA 808 
CJPA 830 
CJPA 831 
COMM 260W 
COMM 530 
CRIMJ 260 
CRIMJ 465 

ECON 102 
ECON 104 
ECON 106 
EMSC 302 
ENGL 004 
ENGL 015 
ENGL 015E 
ENGL 202A 
ENGL 202B 
ENGL 202C 
ENGL 202D 
FIN 301 
FIN 451 
FR 1 
FR 2 
FR 3 
GER 1 
GER 2 

HIST 302W 
HPA 447 
HPA 520 
HRER 504 
HRER 505 
HRER 802 
IB 303 
IT 1 
IT 2 
IT 3

LA 402 
LA 802 
LA 895 
LHR 100 
MATH 21 
MATH 22 
MATH 26 
MATH 34 
MATH 36 
MATH 37 
MATH 110 
METEO 469 
MGMT 301 
MKTG 301W 
NURS 200W 
NURS 352
NURS 390
NURS 830 
NURS 835 
PADM 500 
PADM 505 
PADM 518 
PHIL 12 
PHIL 103W 
PHP 410 
PHP 594 
PLSC 309 
PSY 532 
PSY 539 
PSYCH 200 

RPTM 120 
Smart Track 102 
SOC 1 
STAT 100 
STAT 200 
SYSEN 510 - Limited Hours 
TURF 436

Tutor.com for DoD–Affiliated Personnel and Their Families

All DoD service members and dependent family members are eligible to use tutor.com/military at no cost. Visit the Military tutor.com page to learn more.  

How to Access and Optimize Tutor.com

Review video guides to learn about accessing Tutor.com within your Canvas course, scheduling and tracking tutoring sessions, and selecting a favorite tutor with whom you’d like to work.

College-based Tutoring

The Penn State College of IST offers online one-on-one tutoring to help students practice concepts taught in IST courses. Request an appointment with an IST tutor.

The Penn State College of Engineering Academic Excellence Center offers tutoring via Zoom for upper-level math and science courses. Learn which courses and how to connect