
Course Availability

If you're ready to see when your courses will be offered, visit our public LionPATH course search (opens in new window) to start planning ahead.

Course Bulletin

Learn more about the requirements for your program by visiting the Penn State Undergraduate Bulletin.

Online Tutoring is available for select courses and can help those students requiring assistance in understanding the content of the course. Information about available tutoring options will be listed in your course syllabus. 

Scheduling Controlled Courses 

Many of the business and math courses have controls, which means you cannot schedule them using LionPATH. This is to ensure that when you are entering the courses in the business major, you have completed all of the prerequisite courses. If you contact your adviser prior to your first day of scheduling, you will be granted permission in the registration system, so that when you schedule, it will be a quick process. If you do not contact your adviser in advance, the registration staff will need to get permission from an adviser before you can be scheduled in the course.